Imagine yourself manually maintaining the accounts, daily book keeping and reports of a dry cleaning shop. With every new order booked, you either write details in your booking register/order book or you keep collecting all the duplicate booking tickets and by the end of the day, enter the details of the orders. One way or other you maintain the details of the clothes you booked today along with other details like amount, due delivery dates etc. Similar process is done for Delivery and also for cash collection. Typically, every dry cleaner maintains the following information:
- Booking Report: details around the bookings made during the day
- Delivery Book: details around the deliveries made during the day
- Cash Book: Cash book contains for the expenses made and cash collected
On an average either the business manager spends 8-10 hours on daily book keeping weekly or pay some amount to an Accountant who does the job for the manager .
Quick Dry Cleaning Software offers a fast and convenient mechanism to maintain all these details which help you save time and also save the cost you are paying to an accountant for the bookkeeping job. As soon as you book an order, the system makes automatic entry to the booking register. So without even the slightest of effort, your complete booking report is maintained.
Illustration 1: Booking Report – Details around all the orders booked within the selected date range.
Similarly, whenever you make any delivery of the order or collect cash, similar records are updated in the Delivery book and Sales Book respectively.
Illustration 2: Delivery Report – Details around all the orders delivered within the selected date range.
Illustration 3: Sales Report – Details around all the orders for which cash is collected within the selected date range.
Quick Dry Cleaning Software also enables to manage cash drawer balances. At any time during the day cash balance can be maintained. This is a very useful feature in case multiple people manage cash drawer at a single outlet/store. The leaving person may balance out the cash and generate the report and hand it over to the new person coming in and hence the accountability is duly transferred.
Illustration 4: Cash Drawer Balance– Details around cash collected and cash spent to maintain cash drawer balance.
The system offers various filters with every report which enables to select the time period for which the report needs to be generated, any particular invoice number if you are interested in and much other related to individual reports. All the reports can be migrated to Excel, Word and PDF format which can then be fed into your financial accounting software for the calculation of trial balance.
Hope you better manage your Dry Cleaning business with Quick Dry Cleaning Software. Feel free to get back to us in case you have suggestions on how we can improve the product. This will only help us serve you better.
Start FREE Trial Now to explore how Quick Dry Cleaning Software can help you to solve this business problem.